by 512 Austin Locksmith | Jan 19, 2022 | Tips
63% of homes across America have either a garage or a carport. If you are lucky enough to have a garage, you’ll know how useful it is. Your garage provides storage and security for everything you keep in it. However, for you to be able to make the most of...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Oct 22, 2021 | Tips
There are more than 8.3 million vehicles registered across Texas alone and these are a vital part of people’s daily lives. They help you to work, get your children to and from school, visit friends and family, and run your everyday errands. So if something goes...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Jun 30, 2021 | Tips
Did you know that, according to WRCBtv, 63% of homes in the United States have a carport or garage? Additionally, there are many issues Americans have with the garage doors, such as snapped cables or a wonky door. If you’re one of the many Americans with a garage door...
by sarahdev | Mar 15, 2021 | Tips
Did you know that, according to Small Business Trends, 8.8% of small businesses experienced theft or burglary in 2016? If you go through this, you might have to pay around $8,000 to make up for the theft. If you’re worried about the possibility of being robbed or...
by sarahdev | Mar 1, 2021 | Tips
We’ve all seen horror movies about home invasions—it seems like Hollywood comes out with one every week. However, reality is far more frightening than fiction. In the United States, a burglary occurs every 26 seconds. Most occur at homes during the daytime....
by sarahdev | Apr 3, 2020 | Tips
Picture this: You are already late to work and once you finally step out of the house and close the front door, it breaks making it impossible to lock. You don’t want to leave your home unlocked, so what do you do? Most would panic call the first locksmith they...