by 512 Austin Locksmith | Jan 9, 2022 | Keys
Have you ever gotten in your car to rush to work in the morning? Picture yourself hopping into the driver’s seat, strapping on your seat belt, checking mirrors, and being ready for action. Suddenly, you turn your key to drive, and you realize that you broke a chunk of...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Dec 7, 2021 | Keys
Did you know that there are 26,756 locksmith businesses operating in the US? They employ over 38,000 people across the country. That means a lot of people tend to get locked out of their cars. So, you’re not alone if a lockout has happened to you. A car lockout...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Sep 22, 2021 | Keys
You are late home from work, the weather takes a turn for the worse, and just when you don’t need it, your house key gets stuck in your front door. It is one of those heart-stopping moments that we will probably all be unlucky enough to experience at some...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Sep 8, 2021 | Keys
Every year, the average person spends about 36 hours looking for items that they’ve lost. From remote controls and cell phones to eyeglasses and shoes, people lose all kinds of things throughout the course of a year. This includes their car keys and their house...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Sep 6, 2016 | Uncategorized, Keys, locks, Organization, Seasonal Tips, Security, Technology
Are You Throwing Your Money Away or Is Your Fixer-Upper A Great Investment? If you’re in the market for a new house? Do you know what neighborhood you want to live in with your family? What do you do when the only house for sale in the neighborhood is a...
by 512 Austin Locksmith | Jun 6, 2016 | Uncategorized, Keys, locks, Organization, Seasonal Tips, Security, Technology
Modern Day Security System The old saying goes that a man is the king of his castle. In today’s world we no longer live in castles (unless you’re a millionaire) but the same reference applies to a man’s home. Back in the days of kings and queens, neighboring kingdoms...